Plastic Free Campaigns

Since David Attenborough’s ‘Blue Planet II’ look at plastic pollution, awareness of the harm of plastics in nature has rocketed everywhere. Not only is the production of plastic harmful in its carbon footprint, it breaks down and persists in the environment for long lengths of time, harming all kinds of creatures including the health of humans. Accumulating in our waterways and oceans as well as on land, its negative impact on the whole web of life is being better understood day by day.

Whilst eradicating plastics from our everyday lives in not easy, the Bahu Trust is committed to reducing its plastic usage as much as possible, and is faced with many of the same challenges people up and down the country are confronted with when trying to eliminate its usage altogether. We run regular campaigns such as ‘Plastic-Free Iftars’ (shared meal after a day of spiritual fasting) and ‘Plastic-Free Ramadan’ to raise awareness and shift into new patterns of positive behaviour, and are continually looking at what more we can do going forwards, both in terms of our own usage and in championing less production.