
In a similar way to training Imams in-depth about the richness of Islam’s ecological teachings, there is a need to help everyone understand why we must make changes to our behaviour in the light of the environment, and how this guidance actually comes directly from the Quran and Sunnah, its wisdom more necessary than ever now.

With this in mind, the Bahu Trust has developed environmental training and educational workshops for local community members. Different tools and methods have been designed for children, the youth and other groupings within the wider community to help transmit the teaching in an accessible way. The Bahu Trust has been working with neighbouring mosques who have come together to work in unity for the environment, to share good practice and to learn from each other.

The Bahu Trust has also pioneered an ‘Islam & Environment’ module in its Islamic Studies/madrassa course encompassing the interrelated subjects of food, water, transport, sustainable living and so on.