Imam Training

When Muslims gather for the five prayers, the one who has most knowledge of the Quran (and often other aspects of the faith and its sciences) stands at the front and leads the prayer. He is known as an Imam and this is Arabic with connotations of leadership and being a role model in society. The Imam also gives the Khutbah, a homily forming part of the midday prayer on a Friday, giving moral guidance with reference to the Quran and the example of the Messenger (pbuh) and his companions.

An Imam plays an important role in the community, and with nuance and understanding can help bring spiritual inspiration and insight to the daily lives of Muslims, helping to shape a positive sense of self and other in the time and culture where his people are located, as well as calling them to good actions and behaviour.

Due to this position of respect and influence, the Trust understands the importance of working with Imams to spread out the environmental wisdom of Islam and its heightened relevance in the world today. We have designed and delivered world-class training to all our Imams on the environment so that they have an awareness that can help their respective communities tackle the challenges that now face all of humanity.

The training workshops have an element of Islamic theology, learning about the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in relation to nature, they learn about the reality of today’s issues, climate change, environmental destructions, loss of biodiversity, food, energy, air pollution etc. Exploring new and innovative ideas for solutions and making pledges/commitments for themselves and the communities they serve.

The success of this program has meant that the Trust now delivers environmental training to Imams from many different mosques in the UK, helping to build a movement of positive change inspired and empowered by the frame of Islam.

If you would like us to deliver training to your Imams, please get in touch

Imam Workshop
Mosques, Imams & Climate Action Webinar