Advice Surgery
Bahu Trust is proud to run a number of community services and surgeries to provide advice, guidance and information across a variety of areas, corresponding to the complex and multifaceted needs of the communities we serve. We operate a daily food bank for those in need, alongside other drop-in services including occupational therapy, and warm places of welcome catering to the elderly.

Health & Wellbeing Toolkit
The Bahu Trust were responsible for developing a data-driven, evidence-based publication, exploring health inequalities, areas of health and wellbeing affecting the Muslim population, and recommendations for health programmes and activities in collaboration with the Council.

Sports Sisters
In Autumn 2024, we launched our new Sports Sisters pilot programme which introduces women and girls to a range of sports and fitness activities to encourage participation of activities to support health, wellbeing and a sense of accomplishment. We are running a range of sessions catering to different interests to provide an engaging introduction to many sports for women and girls.

Mental Health workshops
Mental health is an incredibly important issue which affects a large portion of the population. Anyone can face a mental health issue throughout their life, regardless of gender, age, and background. We will be hosting regular workshops, webinars, and group circles about mental health and wellbeing, introducing healthy approaches to all aspects of life including relationships, food, and exercise with a specific focus on youth.

Poetry and the Arts
Unlocking the power, voice, and stories of young people is especially important in archiving their experiences, documenting their thoughts and feelings, and giving them a space to create freely, without criticism or judgment. We are excited to be hosting poetry circles and sessions for all ages – including elderly groups to coincide with our weekly wellbeing café for the elderly.

Maternal Clinic
Our new maternal clinic will equip expecting, pregnant and new mothers with the essential knowledge, skills, and tools to safely and successfully enter into motherhood, promoting healthy lifestyles and habits, and providing holistic advice and support to all service users. We will also be running a baby bank to equip families with essential items needed for newborns.