Knife Crime

(Hadith, Abu Dawud)

Islam literally means to live in peace. By that very definition, violence in any form is against the religion of Islam. The Prophet (ﷺ) and his call to Islam was delivered at a time when people would harm each other in personal and even gang-type conflicts, but Islam came to utterly condemn this. Peace is central to our religion which aims to achieve a world without violence and conflict. Therefore it’s a contradiction of our own beliefs that within our communities our children are experiencing and inflicting violence.

So when one person is affected by violence – be they the victim or the perpetrator – their whole family and their whole community around them is also affected. Knife crime should be seen not just as an act of violence against the person, but as an evil. Its underlying causes of ego, anger, drugs and gang culture go against the actual spirit of what it actually means to be a Muslim.