In 2011 HSBT took on one of its largest projects, the Birmingham Qur’an Academy (BQA). An academy formed to offer the highest standard of Qur’anic teaching to students of the United Kingdom. HSBT felt that far too many students were travelling abroad to study Qur’anic recitation at great expense and sometimes risk of radicalisation due to the scarcity of standards in the field of Qiraa’ah (recitation).
Thus the Academy was set up to help British Muslim students develop a deep and lasting bond and love with the Qur’an to primarily help them with their spiritual development which in turn contributes towards a better, this the BQA would achieve by employing only the best and competent teachers in the field of Qiraa’ah. We believe a mind that memorises the Qur’an and recites it beautifully with knowledge of its meaning becomes a mind spiritually uplifted. The heart then opens to all that the Qur’an promulgates; love, compassion, humanity, tolerance, justice, kindness, forgiveness and so much more.
The Academy specialises in the art of recitation from the basic level of phonetics and pronunciation to memorisation, vocal training and Ijaza level in Tajweed. Students work progressively to attain Ijaazaats as the main objective. An Ijaaza is the grant of recognition awarded by a teacher who has a chain of authority which goes back to the Prophet (pbuh) and is the traditional benchmark for all students in this field.
Alhamdu Lillaah the BQA has now grew tremendously, all from a class set up at the HSBT by Ustadh Shauket Fazil in 2009 whose inspirational ideas and techniques of teaching the Qur’an led to the establishing of the Academy officially in 2011. As it is not possible for all students to study in countries like Egypt, Ustadh Shauket worked in collaboration with the HSBT in Birmingham to help create a Qur’anic system based here in the UK to offer the very best possible standards for British students by recruiting both able British Qur’an teachers as well as recruiting Egyptian reciters who were graduates of Al-Azhar Univeristy. BQA has now expanded to over 500 students and by the grace of the almighty the BQA is still growing.
Since the establishment of the Academy in 2011 BQA has produced, our first four Hafiz and have another 6 Huffaaz due for completion in the next 6 months. The recruitment of British staff from within our own student network has cultivated home grown students who have become teachers and now teach with passion and conviction and are of a high standard in their respective fields. We have witnessed the completion and grant of Ijazaats to students who have recited the Qur’an by looking (non-hifz). The BQA has successfully taught hundreds of students to recite competently and beautifully making their experience of attending a madrassah rewarding and fulfilling.
The BQA is still developing and is particularly focussed on introducing as much technology as possible to assist its students and is now at a stage where it is rolling out tablets, desktops, internet, audio systems whilst at the same time holding strong onto traditional methods of teaching and of assessment. Other areas such as Qur’anic Arabic have been introduced which is vital to help create a bond between students and the Qur’an.
Interested in Enrolling child or want to know more, click here to be directed to the Birmingham Qur’an Academy website.