Understanding Bereavement

When we experience bereavement the feelings that follow can be varied and different for everyone. We may think we know what grieving is, or what we think it should be, but sometimes we can be surprised, anxious, or even shocked by how we are feeling.

Grief can be felt and expressed in many different ways.  There’s no right or wrong way to grieve.
Common experiences include:

  • shock and numbness – often the first reaction to loss, and people often talk about “being in a daze”
  • overwhelming sadness
  • tiredness or exhaustion/sleep disturbance
  • anger – towards the person you’ve lost or others or the reason for your loss
  • guilt – for example, guilt about feeling angry, about something you said or did not say, or not being able to stop your loved one dying

These feelings may not be there all the time and powerful feelings may come and go unexpectedly. It can be overwhelming, making it difficult to cope.

It’s not always easy to recognise when bereavement, grief or loss are the reason you’re acting or feeling differently.

If you are finding your emotions difficult to deal with or are worried that you are not able to feel things after some time has passed, it might be time to ask for some  more support.

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