The Method of Ghusl
The method of Ghusl is mentioned clearly in the Hadith Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, in the Book of Funerals (Al-Janaiz). In order to obtain guidance on the method of Ghusl, one can read the Ahadith in detail from Sahih Al-Bukhari. We have given a brief summary of it here:
Say: “Bismillahirrahma-nir-raheem” – “In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.”
Place the body on the bath/platform and remove all clothing.
Place a cloth over the private parts (male: from the navel to the knees, female: from the neck to the ankles).
Raise the head slightly so that when washing the body, bodily waste and dirty water flows down instead of remaining in one place or covering the body.
Wearing gloves and/or tie your hand with a piece of cloth, press the chest to expel any waste from the stomach, and begin cleaning and washing the body with warm soapy water. Dispose the cloth then get a new one and tie it around your hand (repeat the process again if need be)
Start with the body from the right side including the parts which are washed in Wudhu (ablution)
Wash private parts, wash hands up to the wrists, clean the mouth with cotton (do not pour water into the mouth), clean the nostrils with cotton (do not pour water into the nostrils), wash the face from the forehead to the chin, wash the right arm and then the left arm up to the elbows. Then do Masah (wiping) of the head and of the neck. Finally, wash both feet up to the ankles, firstly the right foot and then the left foot.
Wash the body thoroughly from the head to the feet three times, wash the front and then invert the body and wash the back (ensure washing the beard of a male).
When completing the washing of a female’s body, it is permitted to comb her hair and to divide them into three braids and placing them on her bosom (as in Hadith 642, Book of Funerals, Sahih Al-Bukhari).
Dry the body with a clean or new towel.
Next the jaws are tied to the head with a string to prevent the lungs from inflating and pieces of cotton are inserted into the nostrils.
Then the body is covered completely with a clean cloth before shrouding.
Finally, camphor is applied to the body and incense is lit to eliminate any remaining bodily smell. It is essential that the person(s) who perform the Ghusl should take a bath and also do the Wudhu to purify themselves.