Project Summary

The Birmingham Faith Climate Action Partnership is a collaboration between The Bahu Trust, Footsteps and Ashden to build the capacity of faith groups to lead, and engage in, community led eco action in disadvantaged areas of Birmingham and to share the learning more widely. 

Together we will develop a more diverse and inclusive Birmingham climate movement, which is better able to implement, and advocate for, much needed climate action that will bring benefits to disadvantaged communities such as warmer homes and increased wellbeing.

We are opening a call for proposals relating to environmental efforts and climate action initiatives within Birmingham, with a particular focus on disadvantaged communities.

Project information

We are seeking proposals from faith-based and community groups to devise and deliver innovative eco action projects which build knowledge, awareness and initiatives to address local and global environmental challenges related to the current climate crisis. 

We hope to open access and dialogue between faith inspired grassroots community groups, and local authorities to enable greater communication, exchange, and collaboration between community leaders and policymakers.

We want to support and encourage faith institutions and faith groups to deliver exciting climate and eco action projects which will have lasting impact and outcomes which can inspire others. We also hope our project will lead to the emergence of climate action champions among faith leaders and faith groups, harnessing our shared ecological concerns and ideas rooted in environmental stewardship, a moral imperative to care for creation, and protect our earth for generations to come. 

Our expectations for the types of projects we will consider include the following thematic areas:

We are particularly interested in proposals which have a clear, definitive link with faith values and teachings. We also encourage applicants to ensure they are informed by a desire to support the empowerment of marginalised communities and proposals that involve young people, women, and those of minority backgrounds will be particularly welcome. Funding available would range from £3000 – £7000. 

If you are not affiliated with a community group or organisation but are interested in submitting an application, please get in touch with us and we can see how best to accommodate you. 

Projects must be delivered within 12 months of the project being approved. If you encounter challenges throughout the project duration, ensure you contact us so that we may support you in your endeavour. 

Our Aim

Our primary focus is to uplift community groups with a strong faith angle, to best empower initiatives which are rooted in values and teachings of faith traditions, and which work to address environmental challenges by equipping communities of faith with knowledge and skills for climate action. We believe in the power of faith communities to positively influence our communities to make small and big changes which can impact people and the planet; the local environment and the globe at large. We trust in the concept of co-production – that good ideas do not develop in a vacuum, that this is a continuous process of working and reworking ideas together until they are refined to fit a purpose, and address a particular need. 

Therefore, we encourage community groups to liaise with one another, draw inspiration from existing initiatives, and collaborate to inform their projects and build effective interventions, based on evidence and know-how. We do not want you to reinvent the wheel – we are looking for what works well, and how to replicate this, or enable fresh innovative ideas to flourish. 

Our commitment: Support Opportunities

Birmingham Faith Climate Action Partnership is committed to supporting applicants of this initiative, for both preparatory stages, and the project lifecycle, to ensure all community groups are provided mentoring, coaching and guidance to effectively deliver their interventions, and bring their ideas to life. We will support applicants throughout the application and delivery stages, and be on hand to provide any assistance required, from bouncing off ideas, to providing tangible knowledge and resources as required. 

These projects will be closely monitored, to identify strengths, weaknesses, and barriers encountered throughout the duration of the project which can be fed into our learning of what works best, and allow us to provide further support to the projects we fund. Each community group will be meeting with us on a monthly basis to share progress and updates on how their initiatives are going. 

There will be opportunities to share project ideas, themes, or consult with our team to offer advice on building your initiative. If you are not successful in receiving funding during this round of applications, there are opportunities to receive resources, training and mentoring.  

Our expectation from community partners 

Successful grant holders will enter into a voluntary commitment beyond the project life cycle to work with local authorities to engage in outreach and advocacy relating to your project area. This falls within our commitment to uplift and empower grassroots organisations and groups to have opportunities through which they can work with the local Council and other statutory bodies to advance their efforts. 

Application process 

Our team will review all submissions over the coming weeks and will contact you directly should we need to clarify anything with regards to your application. 

Applications will be considered and approved on a rolling basis. We will contact you shortly regarding the outcome of your application. 

Unfortunately, only successful applicants will receive a response due to our limited time capacity. 

Thank you for your time and efforts toward climate action.