Category: Islamic Reminders
The Importance and superiority of Salām in Islam
Islam has taught us to greet fellow Muslims with the words ‘Asalām Alaykum’ at every opportunity. There are certain practices that we perform which are often neglected and which are not perhaps fully appreciated. Greeting Muslims with salām certainly is one of these practices that we do not truly value. The purpose of this paper…
Muslims as mirrors for one another
In order to stress the importance of brotherhood and unity, the Prophet used different examples to describe how Muslims should be like with one another in terms of conduct and behaviour. In one famous report, he said: The Muslims are like one body. If the eye is hurt, then the whole body suffers. And if…
The Story of Utbi
Introduction. We are all aware of the unfortunate destruction of Islamic sites in Makka and al-Madīna al-Munawwara. Very few objects and relics remain from the earlier generations. However, the white marble pillars next to the final resting place of the Messenger still have a few lines of a famous poem inscribed upon it, dating back…
The Definition of Nabī
This short paper aims to outline the literal discussions on the word Nabī (Prophet). It is hoped that such an analysis will enable us to understand the station of nabuwwa better in Islam and appreciate the true rank given by Allāh to His selected servants. The analysis has been taken primarily from Ziā al-Qur’ān, the…